The Hymn Project / Instrumental Piano Hymns on CD and MP3

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Is The Hymn Project Easy To Use?

Whether you have musical training or not, the The Hymn Project is made to be easy to use for anyone.

The Music

The hymns were played directly from the hymnbook, as one would hear them in a church setting. There are no embellishments or stylizations, no voices, and no additional instruments. This very simplicity is what distinguishes The Hymn Project and makes it useful for congregational singing, background music, and lots of other situations.

The key and number of verses for each hymn was carefully chosen from consulting the experience of many church musicians, church-goers, and church leaders.

Listen to samples by clicking here!

On CDs

If you can operate a CD player, you can use The Hymn Project!  Each individual CD was designed to include hymns with a variety of song tempos, subjects, and styles - all so that you can plan a service or event using just one of the CDs if you wish.

The booklet that's included with each CD set includes a list for the track number for each hymn, making it easy to organize and plan music services.  If you'd like to see how many verses are included in a particular hymn, we have provided documents just for that purpose that also show the musical key and track number.  These can be conveniently printed off and kept with you as you plan services or music.

Download the list for each set by clicking the appropriate link below:

Set 1 Information List

Set 2 Information List

We wanted to create an extensive collection of instrumental piano hymns that was compact, graceful, and easy to use. Our feedback from users leads us to believe we achieved our goal!