Where Can I Obtain Lyrics to the Hymns?

When creating The Hymn Project, we chose not to include lyrics, because there are so many hymns for which the words vary from tradition to tradition. We also wanted to keep costs down for churches and other organizations, so we set out to make The Hymn Project work easily with the resources these groups already have on-hand, including their current hymnals, songbooks, Powerpoint files, etc.

However, if you do need to find or purchase lyrics or hymnals, we generally recommend The Celebration Hymnal, as well as the non-profit online resource hymnlyrics.org which allows looking up any hymn by title or excerpt.

While we are not affiliated with either of these companies, we've found them to be excellent resources for our customers. The Celebration Hymnal includes 196 of our hymns, and it is also available in a Large Print edition. (The four hymns not included in The Celebration Hymnal are "Burdens are Lifted at Calvary", "Dwelling in Beulah Land", "Ivory Palaces", and "Wounded For Me".)